Problems with the classificatory status of Deprea and Larnax and their affinities with other genera have persisted. Nuclear and plastid molecular sequence data were used in cladistic analyses, both separately and combined with morphological data, to clarify the relationships between Deprea and Larnax and among these and related genera. Results provided by ITS-2 nrDNA sequence data, especially in combined analysis with morphology, served to clearly delineate Deprea and Larnax, and to support the transfer of D. glabra and its sister species D. sylvarum to Larnax. The trnL intron cpDNA sequence data was conserved, evolving predominately by insertion/deletions. Results from the trnL data provided evidence that Athenaea is the closest sister to Withania and that neither are closely related to Deprea or Larnax as has been suggested by morphology. Based on divergence patterns observed among the trnL sequences, Brachistus appears to be closely related to Witheringia and these genera more closely related to Physalis than to any other genera included in this study. These data further suggest that a Saracha/Vassobia clade is sister to Deprea and Larnax. Based on these findings, Deprea and Larnax will be treated as distinct. Further, D. glabra and D. sylvarum will be transferred to Larnax.

Key words: Deprea, ITS-2 sequence data, Larnax, morphology, systematics, trnL sequence data