Saltugilia first received formal taxonomic status in 1954 as a section of Gilia, and initially included five species in two species groups: Gilia splendens, G. caruifolia, and G. australis, and G. leptalea and G. capillaris. The latter two species were subsequently removed to their own section of Gilia before ultimately being removed from the genus. Gilia stellata andG. scopulorum were included in section Saltugilia in 1959, and a sixth species, G. yorkii, was added in 1999. Previous analyses of nuclear ITS and chloroplast matK DNA sequences suggest Gilia splendens, G. caruifolia, and G. australis form a lineage independent of the true gilias. Additional DNA analyses and morphological characterization concur, providing support for elevating Saltugilia to generic status. As here circumscribed, Saltugilia includes S. splendens, S. caruifolia, S. australis, and an unnamed species. Gilia stellata, G. scopulorum, and G. yorkii are retained in Gilia. Saltugilia is characterized morphologically by a verrucate seed coat and combination of chainlike trichomes on the leaves and short, flat-topped, multicellular glands in the inflorescence. Comprising an apparent incipient species complex, the four species within Saltugilia are distinguished primarily by floral features and distribution. They show little molecular differentiation in the loci we sampled. Two chloroplast haplotypes are distinguished, but these do not entirely reflect taxonomic or geographic boundaries.

Key words: classification, Gilia, phylogeny, Polemoniaceae, Saltugilia