Economic botany deals with plants used for food, clothing, construction material, fuel, bioactive compounds, cosmetics, and any other potentially commercial application. Comprehensive biology courses, as well as botany courses in general, have recently placed greater emphasis on the impact plants have on society. In response to this accentuation, The McGraw-Hill Companies has on-line student and instructor resources to compliment each of their general botany texts. In addition to the on-line chapter outlines, summaries, Web links, quizzes, and flashcards, Erica Kipp of The New York Botanical Garden was brought on board to further enhance the on-line learning center. This interactive approach to learning and teaching now has a botany global issues map available via the Web site: The map has squared arrows pointing towards specific geographical regions that, with the click of a mouse, reveal short stories and graphics pertaining to a plant and its use from that area. Included is information on any chemicals isolated and identified from the plant, history of the plant and plant economic use, morphology and basic systematics, and cultural aspects. This fabulous tool can be used as an on-line study guide for students and a teaching tool for instructors to incorporate into lecture or assign as further reading.

Key words: economic botany, Web site